Worser name do done 13th October 2016

Come from bent boys lesbian girls go back bent boys lesbian girls worser us zillion hidden hide don't see my don't let nothing will take a fight eat you eat more people kill more killed more less not here run away not our way bum world don't change it west Wales run got that there police don't do anything stab them with a knife for us shouldn't here daisy pass out who them anyway wind street Bolton strret mess by don't touch have you what way drugs do more mess him there not to know passed out don't get people baby make mess forever baby's are say bum take what we want mess not been there is no did would is don't like don't give a fuck about you and am wddham pub closed down not from Bridgend Bridgend not got money for drugs give money do is get worser is more killed don't pay you 700000live Bridgend live on Coatbridge we don't don't tail to us you die before do back do to her him done what years